Neurology Department is the branch of medicine that manages the examination and treatment of nervous system issues. The nervous system is made out of the peripheral central system and the central nervous system. The peripheral central system is made out of the various nerves and tactile receptors in the sense organs, (for example, the eyes, ears, skin and so forth). And the central nervous system is the mind and the spinal cord. A specialist who specialises in nervous system science is known as a neurologist and specialist who perform medical procedures identified with the nervous system is designated as neurosurgeons.
Why Zeel Hospital’s Neuroscience Department?
At Zeel Multispeciality Hospital, we use interventional neurological methods, for the treatment of intense stroke or epilepsy.
Zeel Multispeciality Hospital offers health packages for cerebral stroke programs, epileptic care service, including assessment and rehabilitation of complex neuromuscular issues for which a suggested course of neurological issues treatment is followed. Our neurologists treat patients with neurological issues and infections including:
Division of neurosurgery serves patients with a wide range of neurosurgical problems. Our objective is to provide the most ideal neurosurgery procedures at moderate expenses. Our Department of Neurosurgery is equipped with highly advanced operating rooms, committed neurosurgical emergency unit has built up a neuro-rehab program for post-operative patient treatment.
Zeel Multispeciality Hospital has one of the leading neurosurgery department in Dungarpur offering distinct subspecialties of neurosurgery. The kinds of neurosurgery can be comprehensively delegated follows: